Manager Tools

Budget Headcount Request Template

The purpose of this form is to provide organizational justification for either filling a vacant position or the creation of a new position. This form must be completed prior initiating any recruitment discussions with the Human Resources department. Once completed, please forward this form and all relevant documents (i.e. – up to date job description) to the Human Resource department. 

Job Requisition Template

The job requisition form is the check-and-balances to help recruitment planning and staffing action. Please complete or email a copy of the job requisitions form prior to your recruiting meeting with the Human Resources department. 

Hiring Process Manager Checklist

This checklist is designed to guide the hiring manager through key points of the recruitment process.

On-Boarding Manager Checklist

This checklist is designed to help you plan for a new employee’s arrival. 

30/60/90 Day Check-in Template

The following are some sample questions that you may find beneficial when holding your 30/60/90 day check-in meetings with your new employee.  Discussion around these questions can help determine if the onboarding process has been successful and how it can be improved.

Sample Training Schedule

New Hire Welcome Email Template